Fachbereich Archeologia in der Auktion


Spezialauktion: Hollywood and the Universe
Freitag, 26. März 2021

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Original Wonka Chocolate Bar

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Original Wonka Chocolate Bar
Original Wonka Chocolate Bar

Original Wonka Chocolate Bar

19,5 x 8,89 x 1,27 cm.
Charlie und die Schokoladenfarbrik (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), 2005.

Katalogpreis € 2.000 - 3.000 Katalogpreis€ 2.000 - 3.000  $ 2,160 - 3,240
£ 1,800 - 2,700
元 15,640 - 23,460
₽ 198,980 - 298,470

Der aus Kunststoff gefertigte Riegel wurde während der Filmproduktion genutzt. In Silberpapier und bedrucktem Papier. (12606812) (13)

Original Wonka chocolate bar

19.5 x 8.89 x 1.27 cm.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005.
Certificate of origin and authenticity.

The plastic chocolate bar, wrapped in aluminium foil and printed paper, was used during the film's production.

This Wonka Chocolate bar is seen in numerous early scenes in the movie as people around the globe hunt for the exclusive Golden Tickets. It can also be seen on the shelves of the shop when Charlie discovers his golden ticket. It is so prominent in the movie and in the social imaginary that Worner Bros decided, in collaboration with Nestlé, to use chocolate bars as the main tie-in for the movie. So the Willy Wonka Candy Company, a division of Nestlé, launched a small range of Wonka Bars to promote the upcoming movie. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 2005 musical fantasy film directed by Tim Burton and written by John August, based on the 1964 British novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film stars Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka and Freddie Highmore as Charlie Bucket. “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” was released to positive critical reception and was a box office success, grossing $475 million worldwide. This Chocolate Bar used in the production of the movie is made of plastic and features 14 “Wonka” stamps on each indented piece. The chocolate is wrapped in silver foil and includes a brown Whipple- Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight wrapper with a printed seal reading “Win a trip to Wonka’s Chocolate Factory”. The back of the wrapper shows printed nutritional facts and ingredients.


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