Your search for Isaac Lazarus Israëls in the auction
Impressionism, Modern Art
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
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Isaac Lazarus Israels,
1865 Amsterdam – 1934 Den Haag
SONNIGER STRAND BEI SCHEVENINGEN,1915-1919 Aquarell und Gouache auf Karton.
32,5 x 49,5 cm.
Verso auf dem Rahmen Aufkleber der Galerie Peretz mit Inventarnummer „499/PFA219“.
Im Passepartout, hinter Glas gerahmt.
Catalogue price € 35.000 - 45.000
Catalogue price€ 35.000 - 45.000
$ 36,750 - 47,250
£ 28,000 - 36,000
元 267,400 - 343,800
₽ 3,859,100 - 4,961,700
Vom Künstler erworben durch A. Polack Daniels, Den Haag.
Antoon Erftemeijer, Israels aan zee, Hollandse en Italiaanse strandtaferelen van Isaac Israels (1865-1934), 9. Juni bis 19. August 2007, S.18, Katalognr. 14, Scheveningen.
Haarlem, De Hallen, ISRAELS AAN ZEE - Hollandse en Italiaanse strandtaferelen van Isaac Israels (1865-1934), 9. Juni bis 19. August 2007, Katalognr. 14, Scheveningen.
Muzee Scheveningen, Isaac Israels in Den Haag, Juni bis September 2012. (11103911) (2) (11)
Isaac Lazarus Israels,
1865 Amsterdam – 1934 The Hague
Watercolour and gouache on card.
32.5 x 49.5 cm.
Label by Galerie Peretz with inventory number “499/PFA219” on stretcher.
Framed with passe-partout mount behind glass.
Acquired directly from the artist by A. Polack Daniels, The Hague.
A. Erftemeijer, Israels aan zee: Hollandse en Italiaanse strandtaferelen van Isaac Israels (1865-1934), exhibition catalogue, Haarlem 2007, catalogue, p.18, no. 14.
Haarlem, De Hallen, Israels aan zee: Hollandse en Italiaanse strandtaferelen van Isaac Israels (1865-1934), 9 June – 19 August 2007, catalogue no. 14., Scheveningen.
Scheveningen, Muzee Scheveningen, Isaac Israels in Den Haag, 1 June – 23 September 2012.
This object has been individually compared to the information in the Art Loss Register data bank and is not registered there as stolen or missing.
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